Seasons of Motherhood - This Body of Mine

This body of mine made me a Mother. You grew in my belly, stretching and moulding me to fit your requirements. Today it feels like I can no longer trust this body of mine. Each ache is a worry, each pain is a niggle. Even after experiencing the miracle of growing you, I took this body of mine for granted. Now each day I am thankful it got me through, that it is still here. This vessel that carries me within it. Precious and precarious, beautiful yet broken. I feel its strength and fragility and pray that it will hold together for a long time yet to come. Never again, will I take this body of mine for granted. Never again.

Welcome to Artifact Motherhood. This is a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Through our writings and visual records we want to create memories that are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artifacts we are leaving behind for our children and for generations to come.

This entry is from a series called “Seasons of Motherhood” and is meant to be one picture and one caption that represents our current journey/season of motherhood.

Go next to the wonderful artist Jo Haycock to read her post in our blog circle.