An Interview With a Witch #5 - Witches of Essex Project

The following interview and images are part of my Witches of Essex project, an exploration of what it means to be a witch in Essex today.

What is your definition of a witch and how does that define your own witchood?

When you ask someone to picture a Witch, they’ll think of a classic fairy tale – wicked! Obviously, that is not the case in reality. I’d define a Witch as someone who believes in magick, has a good way with animals and nature, thinks of others needs before their own, and perhaps connects with the old faiths. Of course, there are some stereotypes that may be true. I definitely enjoy Halloween – or Samhain as its known to Pagans – and celebrate it as the New Year. Samhain is a time for letting go, for welcoming a period of rest during the colder, darker months. It’s also a time to remember loved ones that have passed on, so that may be why it is seen as spooky!

The stream running through Danbury Woods, Essex

Can you share a bit about your identity as a witch and your practice?

Everyone’s journey in Witchcraft and Paganism is extremely personal, and I love that. No one practices exactly the same. For me, I find magick in the changing seasons, and in being one with nature. It is very important to me to include the natural world in my practice, and I am most at peace in a forest with a bubbling stream, or by the sea where I can feel the rush of the waves.

I am a collector – my house and altar are filled with feathers, stones, sea glass, crystals and shells. I have jars of moonwater and vases full of sand from my favourite beaches. My practice is very much like water – I go with the flow!

I am a strong believer of positive affirmations. If you put yourself in the right headspace then you are more likely to achieve your goal, and that, for me, is how magick works! Being around nature is peaceful and calming, which really helps. Plus, I have always preferred the company of animals to people!

A witch sitting by the stream in Danbury Woods, Essex

How do you feel being a witch enriches your life today?

It definitely gives me an outlet away from modern life and helps me get back to nature. I am more confident when I can express my faith, and I have met so many lovely people on similar paths.

A witch reading tarot in Danbury Woods, Essex

Do you feel comfortable to declare yourself a witch in public, or do you fear judgement and prejudice?

I don’t outwardly show it (besides my pagan tattoos), nor do I introduce myself as a Witch, however I am very open to discussing it with people should they ask. I celebrate the Pagan sabbatts and will wish colleagues, friends and family a ‘blessed Samhain/Yule/Lammas’ etc. I don’t fear judgement as this is part of who I am, and life is too short to worry about what other people think.

A witch with her smudge stick sitting by a stream in Danbury Woods, Essex

Have you suffered any prejudice for being a witch? If so, how has it affected you?

I wouldn’t say I have suffered prejudice outright, however not everyone understands what it means to be Pagan or a Witch. I used to keep my beliefs very much to myself, however I now feel much more comfortable with who I am. Often, people are quite interested and ask lots of questions.

A witch performing cleansing in Danbury Woods, Essex

Are you aware of the history of witchcraft and the witch hunts in Essex and does that impact your identity or your practice as a witch today?

Yes, I’ve been aware of the Essex history of Witches and Witch-hunts for a while, however I recently attended a talk with a local historian and I learnt even more. It was quite emotional and left me thinking about what these people would have endured. I keep them in my thoughts during rituals and celebrations, and it makes me grateful that I can express my beliefs freely and without fear.

A witch gathering her things in Danbury Woods, Essex

I want to thank Jade for her support with this project and her time and energy answering my questions and allowing me to take her pictures.

If you are a witch, or know a witch who might like to be involved with the project, please do get in touch -