Home Ed in Macro

This week we have worked on our times tables, read books together, learnt new words, spent time absorbed in drawing, played computer games, learnt about the moon, it’s phases and it’s make up. We have spent time with friends, getting ridiculously muddy, sharing favourite memes and not wanting to part. Add to that the snuggles, the movie nights and the pj days, all packed into one deliciously slow week, where everyone is free to choose, free to learn and free to be. I wouldn’t change it, couldn’t change it. My kids are loving life and along the way they are building skills and knowledge for the future, but, more importantly, they are enjoying the now and I feel so so lucky to have been able to make that choice with them.

If you are on the fence about Home Ed and are lucky enough to have the option, then I say give it a go. You can build it in whichever way works for you. Structure, no structure. Workbooks, none or some. Curriculum, a mish mash of a few or throw them all out the window. The only right way is your way.